Violations In Elie Wiesel's Night

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Pages: 3

In the book Night, by Elie Wiesel, the story takes place within the Holocaust and our main character’s life gets turned around when he and his family get taken away for being Jewish. At first the German soldiers bonded with the town members, next they gave explicit procedures, and then they send them to a concentration camp where approximately only 10% of people survive. Through just 5 chapters of Wiesel’s life story, the reader can easily spot a violation of a minimum of at least10 human rights within the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) that state 30 human rights about prerequisites granted to us at birth to all humans. To name just some of the articles, that show up the most in the book, those would be Article 1, Article 4, and Article 5. In the Holocaust Jews received mistreatment left and right because of their beliefs, and that made them unequal from the rest. Nazis didn’t like this, so they chose to persecute them for this based on the text presented on page 16 “They expelled all the foreign Jews from Sighet… taken in charge by the Gestapo… They were made to dig huge graves…Without passion, without haste, they slaughtered the prisoners. …show more content…
This human right is the one which defends our freedom from torture and degrading treatment. In the book we view Eli’s father, Chlomo, obtain beatings from a deranged SS officer who wants to get Eli’s gold crown using the quote found on page 63 “But alas, Franek knew where to hit me; he knew my weak point… This was Franek’s chance to torment my father and to thrash him savagely every day… blows continued to rain down on him.” We also witnessed other punishments like the day of separating families where they had to stand in the heat for hours until the agonizing process was over in recite of page 26 “God could devise no torment in hell worse than that of sitting there among the bundles, in the middle of the road, beneath a blazing