Violence In Romeo And Juliet Essay

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Pages: 3

"O Romeo, Romeo! wherefore art thou Romeo?" says William Shakespeare(2.2.35). In the play Romeo and Juliet there was a lot of violence almost every scene. In Romeo and Juliet there were two families who live in the same city and they are not fond of each other whatsoever. Until one day Romeo and Juliet meet each other and fall instantly in love. Everyday they always had obstacles they had to pass and most of them lead to violent deaths. In the end of the play Juliet and Romeo both die for eachother. At the end the families stop fighting and finally start to get along. In many of Shakespeare's plays there was violence and that is why I chose the theme of why violence cannot solve problems.
Violence cannot solve problems because the only thing
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For instance, After Romeo and Juliet die their parents stop fighting and buried their negativity toward each other. The prologue says,“ Doth, With their death, bury their parents’ strife.” (Prologue.8) In the real world big things that happen can either bring people close or push them apart. Although that point may be true violence cannot truly solve problems. For one thing after Mercutio was killed Romeo jumped in and killed Tybalt to stop the problem. Once Mercutio dies Benvolio tells Romeo,“O Romeo, Romeo, brave Mercutio's dead! That gallant spirit hath aspir’d the clouds, Which too untimely here did scorn earth.” To which Romeo replies,“This day’s black fate on more days doth depend; This but begins the woe others must end.” Tybalt then says,“Thou, wretched boy, that didst consort him here, shalt with him hence. Romeo says,“This shall determine that”… They fight. Tybalt falls.(3.1.117-121)(3.1.131-133). Romeo and Tybalt fight because of Mercutio death lead to Tybalt dying. Finally when Juliet plans a fake death so that she can be with Romeo it only leads to Romeo's death. When the Nurse find Juliet she says,“ Alas, Alas! Help, help! My lady’s dead! O well-a-day that ever I was born! Some aqua-vitae, ho! My lord! My lady!”(4.5.15-17). Because Juliet did this without Romeo knowing Romeo drinks poison to be dead with