Virginia's Luxury Dbq Analysis

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Pages: 5

“Virginians Luxury” (Document 1), reveals the featured relationships of power between the two races and strongly expresses it throughout several different areas of the image, which also depicts the nature in which slavery held during its era. As you can see, the whites in the image represent the slave owner, or master, who partake in the luxuries of being physically intimate with their female slaves (on the left). Africans represent the slaves would often be chained and beaten by the slave’s overseer, who is also white (on the right). The slaves being shoeless as well as being poorly clothed while the master and overseer are not, is another expression of power in the sense of ownership between the two.
How are unequal power relationships reflected
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This infers that this race is the superior intelligence in power and is ahead in economic, social and political structure. While the other two races differ in origin, traditions, and perceptions towards whites, due to technological advances, both share the oppression by the Europeans of whom at this time they were inferior to. Though they shared similar subordinate positions in society, both African and Native American’s fell far from the same acts of punishments that were delivered to each. Africans were first taken from their homelands and brought into slavery at the cost of their freedom. To add to their misfortune, this would in-turn, mark the destiny of future African generations for they were now not only brought into slavery, but born into it, unknowing of their origins, cultures and language from which they came, and their ancestors shared. The psychological damages of servitude itself were far worse as they adopted a new and degrading mindset that makes one admire more than hate the ones to whom they are inferior to. For the idea of being free is now perceived to be even a heavier burden than to be …show more content…
Toqueville predicts that due to an imaginary danger, not the immorality behind enslavement itself, abolition of slavery will take place in the South as it did in the North. While he believes that “white and blacks races will ever live in a country upon equal footing”, he predicts that Africans and Europeans must “wholly mingle”, or reproduce together and that would in-turn help balance the scales. And as for Indians, Toqueville foresees that they will never become civilized, or that by the time they made an attempt that it will be too late, therefore they will eventually perish.
Based upon your own knowledge, how accurate do you believe Toqueville’s observations and predictions were? Toqueville’s predictions were accurate in some respects. Indians did significantly decrease in population almost to the point of intinction. They took refuge in the Indian Territory which is presently known as the state of Oklahoma, but remain a small percentage of the population. As for the prediction of the African population, he did not as accurate. Africans established themselves in society after obtaining their freedom and throughout history pursued better education and understanding just