Vizsla Personality Differences

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Pages: 2

Vizsla: Vizslas have very high energy. That actually is one of their personalities, energetic (en-r-jet-ick). Energetic means very playful. For example, my dog likes to play and run around most of the time. That’s what energetic means. Another personality is gentle (jent-l). Sometimes they might be gentle and calm. For example, sometimes my dog is gentle when she’s tired or locked up in her kennel all day. Sometimes they might be gentle when you pet them, but otherwise they will be hyper. They are also hunting dogs. If you have a vizsla you can try to take it hunting with you sometime, if you ever go hunting. They don’t have long fur so when you go hunting make sure they are warm enough. They usually live about 10 to 15 years. If you take good care of them they will live the …show more content…
. . VIZSLA!!!!!
Golden Retriever: Golden Retrievers have medium energy that might be because they are large dogs and are very furry. That means they aren't very active. An example for medium energy is my dog. He doesn’t really run around a lot, unless he’s playing with my other dog, or he’s chasing a toy or animal.
They are also friendly a.k.a gentle. That means that they would be a nice friend would probably want to be pet a lot. Sometimes they might even want to sleep with you. That’s how friendly they are. Pretty friendly, right.
They are also very intelligent (in-tella-jent).For example, whenever I let my dog in the house I don’t have to say a word and he goes straight to his kennel because he knows we’re leaving. Then when I get home I he goes straight outside. He is super duper smart.
They also have a good undercoat. That means that they have two coats, an undercoat and a coat on top. Their undercoat is what helps them stay warm in the winter. If they didn’t have their coat on top they would only have one coat, and they wouldn’t be as soft and