Vision Without Action Is A Vision

Submitted By Ftgyuuit
Words: 410
Pages: 2

English Composition 1

“Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.”

I was born in Nigeria, Africa, one of the most populated countries in the world with such a small geographical size. I didn’t move to the U.S until I was around 5, so I am still able to remember how life was in Nigeria, and also importantly how the education system was. School life back home was good. Morning assembly, classes, lunch, more classes and finally the long walk home. Unlike the U.S only some few schools in Nigeria had busses. So at the end of the school day you would see large groups of children walking home. Now the one part of the education system in Nigeria that hit me hard when I started growing up in the U.S, was the few amounts of supplies the school had. Sometimes even the teachers would be limited to taking attendance mentally and reporting it the next day if luckily a new supply of paper came in. Me and My sister --- starting thinking more and more about this and finally decided to take action, we came up with the Vision-Alive Project. The main goal for our project was to gather at least 1000 pounds of school supplies for students ages 5-14 of Idinwe and Uhonmhebho Primary school located in Ewatto, Edo State, Nigeria. We started off by setting up small supply drive all throughout Lowell. We started this around April and it started to grow when former UMASS Lowell administrator Elaine Donnelly offered us huge help. By the end of June