W. E. B. Du Bois

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Pages: 1

ideologies of Karl Marx, stressed that socio-economic turmoil was caused by class:

and in which class conflict would be the driving force for social change, which would be beneficial and

Similar to the ideologies of BLM, they believe that society

targets African Americans based on the division of socio-economic status, reiterating a revision necessary to establish equal opportunities for all, and to amplify a respect among the cultures of others, for the purpose of avoiding social inequality. In addition, another sociological theorist that would have also agreed with the ideologies of BLM is, W.E.B. Du Bois. Du Bois researched and analyzed major issues that Africans living in both Canada and the United States faced in their daily lives; De Bois committed himself to
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Lastly, another sociological theorist that would’ve have also agreed with the ideologies of BLM, would have been Jean Boudrillard. Boudrillard analyzed society and developed the theory of ‘simulacra’, which he described as

These stereotypes mostly plague the images of ethnic minorities, and in this case, African Americans. The BLM movement is trying to divert away from stereotypes by advocating for social changes that