In The Future What I Have Learned In Every Day Life

Submitted By Shorty111191
Words: 488
Pages: 2

Hello Jong and class
1.) I am sure that in the future what I have learned in class will need to be applied to my every day life. At this point in time, I cannot think of anything in which we have just learned that I need to apply within my job. Currently, I house keep for a motel in our small town. Since we live in such a small town, our motel constantly is busy. We do not measure any cleaning supplies or have to only apply a certain amount to anything, therefore we do not use formulas. The only thing that I can think about us using as far as numbers is that when we make the beds, we count how many lines over on the bed it is so that we can get it right in the middle. However, like I said before, I am sure there will be many times in which I will use what I have learned in this class. For college, I am hoping to pursue a carrerr that deals with secretarty work and depening on what type of secretary I am, I guarantee that I will use at least one thing in which I have learned from this class. I know years into the future my daughter will be in math and hopefuly, I don’t forget everything I learned because I can use it as an advantage to help her learn. Of course, that won’t be for years, she is only seven right now in first grade. Super basic math. However, when the times comes of me being able to help her because what I learned, it will pay off being in this class.
2.) In my previous years of education when I came to math I dreaded it. I was always able to do it but it was not fun to me and I did it because I had to. I am not going to lie, I still struggle with many