Wang Lung's Tumultuous Relationship

Words: 210
Pages: 1

Wang Lung and his youngest son have a tumultuous relationship fostered by Wang Lung’s ignorance to his son’s true feelings. Wang Lung decides that it is his youngest son’s fate to take care of the land, without considering his son’s perspective. A situation occurs when Wang Lung goes out to his fields with his friend, Ching, and brings his youngest son along. Buck writes, “And whenever he went he took with him his youngest son, who was to be on the land after him, that the lad might learn. And Wang Lung never looked to see how the lad listened and whether he listened or not, for the lad walked with his head downcast and he had a sullen look on his face, and no one knew what he thought.” (232) Wang Lung never pays attention to his son’s reactions,