Was General Tecumseh Sherman A Good Guy Or A Villain?

Words: 679
Pages: 3

General William Tecumseh Sherman, a war ‘hero’, who burned down Atlanta and captured Savannah. But the questions at hand are, “Were his actions for the great or for the worse?, or “ Do his actions make him a good guy or a villain?”, and the answer to those questions are; it’s up to you. Whether you look at the textbooks and the facts or if you choose to believe some fake facts on the internet written by internet trolls, that’s your decision. I’m here to give my input on General William Tecumseh Sherman and his actions. But the point of this essay is to give my input and my opinion supported by evidence from the documents our teacher handed out. And well that’s what I’m going to do, with that let us inauguration. During the March to Sea, lead by William, he burned down 80% of Atlanta was burned down by Sherman and his troops. This already counts as a war crime, the crime against peace to be specific. Atlanta had done nothing to Sherman or his troop, well the remaining 50 families didn’t, so when Sherman and his men came attacking and setting fire to Atlanta he disturbing the peace. Sherman was aware of the remaining 50 families,but paid no attention to the fact they were there and continued to …show more content…
Along with everything anyone and everyone worked for and on. All the hard-work put into Atlanta would have to be put back in again during the reconstruction of Atlanta and it’s ego. Did Sherman get punished? No, he didn’t? Why?Because once he captured Savannah he gave it to Lincoln and was considered a hero for his poor actions. Along with his so could honorable mission, he never helped any starving man, woman, or child, he just let them starve, a crime against humanity. Sherman was on the superior side of the