Was Magellan Worth Defending

Words: 204
Pages: 1

Was Magellan worth defending? Magellan was worth defending because he was a good leader. Here two reasons why he was. To being, he tried to finish his goal trying to get spices. He traveled with his crew around the ocean to get some spices in document A it say´s him and his crew circumnaviagated the globe. Magellan and his crew made it to the Island and they got the spices. This is important because it shows how he tried to finish his goals and he didn´t give up. Another reason , is he was a good leader. For example he tried to keep his crew health in document D it say´s they ate food like biscuit, water, and ox hides. That wasn´t the best food, but magellan tried to keep his crew healthy. He was also a good leader because in the