Was The American Revolution Good Or Bad Essay

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Pages: 3

When something isn’t right, but no one does anything about it, the bad things will never change. That’s why the colonists took action when they felt the way they were being ruled by the British was unfair and cruel. Ever since the discovery and creation of the colonies, they were still being ruled by the homeland in England. Rules were made for them, and they didn’t get to decide things for them selves, causing an outrage among the American colonists. They also were forced to take out of their own riches to support the British without the choice, and felt they were being treated wrong and needed a way out. This is why the American Revolution had to happen and the colonies had the right to separate themselves from Britain. Possibly the biggest …show more content…
Money was an issue after the 7 years war the British had just been through, and to help solve that problem, for the first time they decided to put taxes on the colonists. Before, they had only been regulating trade of the colonies, but never collection revenue. The Stamp Act was first to come in 1765, putting taxes on many printed items. After this the Townshend Acts in 1767 were passed, which was a series of taxes put onto the colonists to help the British raise revenue to help pay for Governors and Judges to stay loyal. Clearly, the Americans found these taxes extremely unfair. This can be seen in Letters From a Farmer by John Dickinson when he said, “There is another late act of parliament, which appears to me to be unconstitutional, and… destructive to the liberty of these colonies.” (Doc 2) Obviously people in America thought they had no right to be taxed, but in Britain, it made complete sense to them to be doing this. Good reasoning from them was made in the pamphlet written by Thomas Whately called “Considerations…” where he states,”Were are not yet recovered from a war undertaken solely for their [the Americans’] Protection… a War undertaken for their defense only… they should contribute to the Preservation of the Advantages they have received.” (Doc 1) Great points were made in this writing, but Americans didn’t