Weather and Southern Accent Essay

Submitted By anthonyhy
Words: 539
Pages: 3

Comp I, Section 12Cl
Anthony Haynes
Room F017

Everyone knows I moved to NY from Texas this is a big adjustment for me and I’m still adjusting to things every day. One of the biggest adjustments I had to get used to is with the weather like I can’t believe it actually got below zero here a couple of times to me that’s crazy. I mean imagine going from 110 degree weather to below zero yea it’s a very big change. I actually like the cold weather more honestly it feels way better there’s only so much you can take off when you’re hot but you can always put more clothes on when you’re cold. So to me this weather is way better those heat levels will give anyone headaches.
One of the things I hate about moving to NY is everything is more expensive up here it doesn’t make sense at all. I went to the city one time and before I knew it I was looking for money in my pockets not realizing I had spent it all. It’s crazy to me even McDonalds is more expensive some of the McDonalds here doesn’t have a dollar menu when I saw that for the first time I was furious. The thing I do like about shopping here is that there are some places where you can find stuff for cheap and get good deals. So I can’t complain too much about the shopping here plus there’s more places to shop than there is in the south.
The thing I hate about myself since I’ve moved here is my accent it’s funny because I didn’t even know I had one until I came here. For the most part the people here like it especially the females but personally I hate it because it makes me stand out too much. Like I want to fit in like a New Yorker and I have a southern accent so it doesn’t work out too well. Sometimes my friends will make fun of my