Critical Thinking Scenario

Submitted By dayk35
Words: 358
Pages: 2

Critical Thinking Scenario
Kevin Day
April 14, 2014
Jennie Wong

Critical Thinking Scenario
The relationship between critical thinking and ethics is sometimes strong, and sometimes weak. The principles and rules of critical thinking are certainly applicable to ethical reasoning. There will always be a need for ethical decision making in order to be fair to everyone and to not be bias towards anyone for their religion, sex, race, etc.
Critical thinking can certainly be used for ethical reasoning. Ethics is defined as the reasoned study of what is morally right and wrong or good and bad. Critical thinking is the active and systematic process of communication, problem solving evaluation, analysis, synthesis, and reflection, both individually and in community, to foster understanding, support sound decision-making, and guide action. With these two defined, critical thinking and ethics should come hand in hand. In ethical reasoning, the principles of communication, analysis, evaluation, and problem solving from critical thinking should be used. The problem with this is that there are people that let their emotions get the best of them while reasoning. Some may not have the patience to resolve an issue, which causes the relationship between critical thinking and ethics to be weak.
If everyone in society followed the rules and guidelines and logic, there would still be a need for ethical decision-making. Treating everyone fair should be the biggest aspect of our society. Not one person should be treated