Bugusa, Inc., Advertisement

Submitted By Jjthehot11YahooC
Words: 654
Pages: 3

University of Phoenix Material

BUGusa, Inc. Worksheet

Use the scenarios in the Bugusa, Inc. link to answer the following questions.

Scenario: WIRETIME, Inc., Advertisement
Has WIRETIME, Inc. committed any torts? If so, explain.

The question listed above has asked if WIRETIME have committed ant types of torts, this is indeed true. WIRETIME has committed a tort. The type of tort the committed is called Defamation. WIRETIME committed defamation by making false and bashing statements BUGusa, Inc’s products. If these statements are not true BUGusa, Inc’s can take legal action against WIRETIME.

Scenario: WIRETIME, Inc. (Janet)
Has WIRETIME, Inc. committed any torts? If so, explain.

In regards to WIRETIME and Janet, WIRETIME has implemented a Tort called Current Contractual Relationship Tort. WIRETIME officials peer pressured Janet in to disregarding her current contract with BUGSusa so that she will come work for WIRETIME. WIRETIME offered Janer a job with their company. WIRETIME had and understood all the terms and conditions of Janet’s contract because they actually saw it.

Scenario: WIRETIME, Inc. (Steve and Walter)
Discuss any liability BUGusa, Inc. may have for Walter’s actions.

BUGUSA is in violations of false imprisonment. This is because Walter was acting on behalf of the company. Walter is a security guard for the company. During an investigation Walter detain Steve. Even thought stores to have a right to detain a suspected shoplifter, but this is only to try and get the stolen merchandise. But this was not the case in this scenario. Walter detains Steve to ask him about the company he worked for. Walter also threatened to hurt Steve if the info was not provided.

Scenario: BUGusa, Inc., Plant Parking Lot
What defenses may be available to BUGusa, Inc.? Explain your answer.

This example uses negligence, under premises liability law. The company must provide a high level of card to its staff and vendors at all times. The company failed to provide a safe crime free environment as well as a run down building. The company may have even known about all of these issues but simpily did not care or want to change anything. BUGusa can use the parking lot robberies. The company can not be held liable for this. The only way the could be held liable for this is the staff can prove the company knew it was going to happen. The company can not control the crime rate in the town they are located in.

Scenario: BUGusa, Inc. (Randy and Brian)
What defenses may be available to BUGusa, Inc.? Explain your answer.
