week 7 discuss Essays

Submitted By shadoweyeone
Words: 560
Pages: 3

How did the Enlightenment affect music in the Classical era The overall purpose of music became more about entertainment or composed more for the pleasing of its audience. We witness more of an emphasis on the social lifestyle than that of just natural. Comedic opera became more predominant as did a sharp rise in public venues such as concerts. In almost all of the forms of music of the era, the stylistic features are notable. The flexibility in rhythms, especially from one movement to the next, is moving in much more interesting and less predictable fashions. The textures, although predominantly homophonic, aided in much more precision between harmonic phrases, which clarified the melody and kept it simple. Another notable comment is the expansion of the orchestra and defining the individual roles in specific sections of the music furthermore, the piano was now the keyboard of choice mainly for its ability to add an emphasis to the dynamics or sound volume. Pick a composition from the text, listen to it carefully and discuss it at length. Haydn symphony No. 95 in C minor, second movement From the first note this movement grabs you and pins you to your seat like diving into a cold swimming pool, the realizing just how good the water feels. From 001 004 the strings grab our attention continuing through 010. At 004 the original string opening is answered by brass to complete opening cadence in a lower dynamic. Next, from 010 026, a diminuendo of alternating sections of the orchestra carry the original theme and reinforce it, yet between 010 014 an underpinning of strings in separate ornamental rhythm peak the opening movements interest and carry the melody forward. A small note, at 010 the timpani make a brief appearance as if to preview the solid foundation of the continuo that is heard toward the end of the piece. From 026 042 the opening sequences are heard again in an opposing dynamic and pitch from high to low instead of the opening switching between low to higher. The second theme, started at 042 046, is quickly repeated from 46-50, then answered in a variation of rhythm and harmony from 50-56 this entire sequence is repeated quickly from 056 - 108 with melodic brass and strings in the continuo, changing roles.