Weight Loss Essay

Submitted By darles
Words: 937
Pages: 4

Darlene Thomas
MAY 11, 2013

All the material that I have learned and have been exposed to while taking this course have caused me to grow both in knowledge academically and professionally. The experience has given me the tools for success and the ability to be the best student and person that I can. I will be able to implement these into every area of my life experiences and my continued academic pursuits. They will also allow me to excel in the chosen professional environment that I am planning on entering. All the different perspectives and tools of knowledge that have been given me are here in this summary from my own understanding of what I have received and will put into practice after this course has been completed.

MY REFLECTIONS IN US/101 Making the decision to pursue an higher education after many years of doing other things has turned out to be the best thing that I have done to expand both my career and personal life. Looking to the future without a greater sense of the things it will take to attain your goals for your family and yourself can be increased with a degree in higher education. Often being in the workplace just with an high school diploma or experience doesn’t put a person in the place that they can be successful. The long –term results in getting a higher education will open doors of opportunity to better salaries, job opportunities, the ability to compete for promotions on a higher level and to contribute to society and the community in ways that will promote solutions and change. Because education is valued so highly in our society going forward and hoping to have a higher standard of living is not enough. The work and commitment that others have put into their education I can see the results and there is nothing less of that I can do. The values of a higher education can lead to my children and many generations to come because it will set a standard that will motivate them to be acheivers at the highest level they can or are willing to go. Being exposed to so many different individual personalities from so many cultures and learning from their persepctives in the classroom intiates thoughts and ideas that takes each person to another level and from there you can step forward with new confidence because of the quality of learning that has been experienced. Having the opportunity to obtain a degree also makes you goal oriented and you become a purpose driven person. Just from the few classes I have already taken in pursuit of my degree I have somewhat seen this change in myself. Important also is that you inherit the ability to make decisions better by the processes and systems that have been learned which causes that person to be a positive force both professionally and in general life expriences, they are able to analyze and appriopriate situations as they come. Every tool and assessment that was given in this class, always opened a new door for me in my learning capacity. There are so many things that I have learned about myself and the abilities that are within me, some I knew were there exactly what the terms for them I didn’t know and others I never realized I had the potential to do. I do know that every bit of knowledge and information that has been given through this class will be an instrument in my academic success and professional endeavours. I have taken from