Weightlifting: Hypertension and Weight Training Essay

Submitted By mode1993
Words: 1655
Pages: 7

Mr. Edwards
English 4
December 14, 2011

Weight Lifting Weight training refers to any activity which involves the use of weights. The term weight training is commonly used in referring to people who lift weights but not for the purpose of competing in bodybuilding, power lifting, or weight lifting (although many people lift weights as a means for improving their performance in another sport). Weightlifting can also have downsides such having hair loss, having bad blood pressure, and increase in heart beat. Weight lifting can have both positive and negative effects on the body. Due to weightlifting the body goes through many changes, such as increase muscle mass, chest getting bigger, reducing body fat, and burn calories without even working hard. Weight lifting not only can affect your body by increasing your strength, but it helps with some medical problems. There are some studies that have shown that weightlifting “helps prevent long-term medical problems such as high cholesterol or osteoporosis “(MD Congeni.)
“A danger surrounding strength training is use of anabolic steroids or other performance enhancing drugs and preparations that supposedly help muscle develop in a faster rate” MD. Congeni. People are lifting weights more and more freely and there are some that use steroids to lift weights, which can lead to tragic of health issues in the future.
Steroids are one of the most controversial substances ever made, but not all of them are illegal. A weight lifter can safely, and legally, gain possession of this class C drug long as they have a prescription for it. Steroids are use by a wide range of people, athletes who do steroids usually wants to have an edge of their competition even though is cheating. Steroids have spread around from people then into sports some people uses steroids for not just for bad reasons but for good. Steroids should not be use under no circumstance only if is a medical conditions, if an athlete wants perform better in a sport just work harder at it, steroids not the way to go.
The good of weightlifting can take a toll on one’s health, such as having high blood pressure for the people with hypertension. “ For years, people with hypertension were warned against it, because doctors feared that spikes in blood pressure during strenuous lifting might cause dangerous problem and, in the long term, raise blood pressure” (O'Connor), and weight lifting suppose to be good for most people. Over the years there has been studies going on going on to see if this was really a true fact studies shows that “overall, it found that weight training lowered resting systolic blood pressure(top # in a pressure reading by 2% and diastolic pressure by 4%) small gains that can greatly improve cardiovascular hearth” (O'Connor. )
Knowing that weight lifting can improve heart conditions everybody should be encouraged to do a little weight lifting in there every day routine even if it’s for 5 min one may never know that could expand one life span by 5 year. Weight lifting can reduce of having high blood pressure but at the same time it may cause it due the strenuous activities on the heart. Weight lifting causes stress on your body and if you stress the heart too much then it can cause some problems. “Steroids can also have serious psychological side effects. Some users become aggressive or combative, developing "roid rage" extreme, uncontrolled bouts of anger caused by long-term steroid use” ( Dowshen).
Now a day’s different studies with the heart are being made to strengthen heart muscles, which can be very helpful to people with any heart conditions. Studies show that “moderate intensity weight training with a high aerobic component has proven to be an effective means of controlling hypertension and promoting cardiovascular health” (Well Department). Due to the statement that was made people with heart problems and hypertension should be encourage to do a little strength training throughout the week