Wendy Mills Quotes And Techniques

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Pages: 2

The book all we have left is going to blow your mind once you read it. The book is written by Wendy Mills and she writes it because has experience also and wants to write it for her lost too. The book tells us about two girls that live in New York city and they have two different stories but, will meet. The author uses tone through dialogue to Jesse and Alia. I will talk about Protagonist/Antagonist, Tone and Characterization. First, the protagonist would be Alia and Jesse and the Antagonist would be 9/11. They both lost something that day on 9/11. This is a quote from Jesse side” Two years later Travis died in the twin towers and Dad decide to hate everyone and mom started running so fast she left the rest of us” (Wendy Mills, Chapter 4, #6, pg. 35). Jesse lost her brother …show more content…
This is a Quote from the text” It seems forever that I put it on, even though it was only a few hours ago” (Wendy Mills, Chapter 1, # 16, pg.3). It means that she took forever putting it on or he didn’t want to wear it. Another example would be that the tone for the quote was taking forever or she didn’t want to wear it. She doesn’t show that she is taking forever and that she is going to do something next.Third, The Characterization for this novel would be the indirect characterization. Its Indirect because the writer reveals information about the character’s characteristics. The quote would be “I’m lying on a pile of clothes, and I fish out a silky blue shirt and hold it up in the air above me” (Wendy Mills, #3, pg.36). It talks about how she doesn’t like to clean her room. Another example would be that she isn’t a very good cleaner and that she’s not that organized. She isn’t a good cleaner but we will see what is wanting for her.The Conclusion, I will talk about protagonist / antagonist, Tone and Characterization. The tone, characterization and protagonist/ antagonist helps identify the parts of the book that people