West African American Journey Summary

Words: 536
Pages: 3

Our journey begins on the coast of West Africa, a very long time ago. The West Africans were mariners, merchants, fishermen, and farmers. These Africans have sailed great distances, and there is evidence of their travels as far as present day Mexico. Where the Indians, during the Olmec era, have made stone carvings of people of African ancestry, as far back as 800BCE. The African merchants had sailed into the ports of Holland, Spain Portugal, England, and France to trade with the Europeans in Gold, Ivory, and slaves, even though, gold and ivory were more profitable than slaves. On the western coast of Africa, there was two massive empires the Dahomey (currently Benin) and the Ashanti (currently Ghana). The inhabitants of these empires were fisherman, mariners, and merchants, which had sea ports at Qurdah and Elmina. The two empires flourished, and acquired much wealth in the trade of their fellow Africans. The African rulers and merchants were the middle men and thr real slave traders. The passive, unaware Africans were subjected to bondage by the brutal, gun-toting European slavers. The Atlantic coast of Africa was dangerous for the Europeans, because of the seasonal winds, which generated heavy surf, and …show more content…
The Europeans quest to obtain slaves was impeded by malaria, dysentery, yellow fever, and other diseases. They called the West Coast of Africa “white man’s grave”. In the early slave trade, the European merchants rarely called the shots. The Europeans needed the West African rulers, and merchants to gain access to the commodities they desired, especially slaves, and when they first started trading relationships with the West Africans in the mid 15th Century, the Europeans were amazed at the well-established and highly developed organizations and competitive commercial networks that had existed in Africa. Although, most West