What Are Abigail Williams Flaws In The Crucible

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Pages: 3

As the main antagonist in the Crucible, Abigail Williams is vengeful, selfish, and unscrupulous. There is nothing else other than her own personality flaws that can explain her actions and reactions. Abigail can never be pardoned with what she has done.
Abigail never truly loved John Proctor, though it seems like everything she done is in order to get her to Elizabeth’s position. She only loves herself, what she wants from John Proctor are just power and status. When John Proctor attempts to expose her to save his wife, Abigail used her talented acting skills turned everything against him. Because Proctor believes that “escaping death is not worth basing the remainder of his life on a lie”, he was hanged. But after the truth surfaced, Abigail
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To revenge on Elizabeth, Abigail first asked Tituba do the dance and meet the girls in the wood, so that she can “cast a spell” -- make a curse on Elizabeth. Then she told Reverend Parris that she left Proctor's house because Elizabeth treat her like a slave. After all, she accused Elizabeth in the attempt to remove her from the world and from John Proctor. Also, during the trials, one of the girl Mary Warren broke away from Abigail’s manipulation. Mary's good conscious let her standing out and giving the testimony that everything is a pretense. However, Abigail doesn’t allow anyone betray her. She used Mary Warren’s timid personality threatening her, and broke her persistence in the end, revenged her betrayal. Like what Samuel Johnson said: “ Revenge is an act of passion; vengeance of justice. Injuries are revenged; crimes are avenged.” Abigail’s heart is cold, lust, and full of vengeance, a completely evil …show more content…
After being discovered dancing in the woods, Abigail soon put every charges on Tituba, in order to protect herself from the charge of witchcraft and conceal her affair. When the witchcraft trials began, Abigail show no intention to hurt Elizabeth. Not till the very end of the whole event, until her standing position was extremely stabled and she gained all the judges’ trust, she then mentioned Elizabeth name. Step by step, Abigail successfully push people into the “fire pit” and saved herself. Her indifference to the innocents makes people tremble with fear.
The Crucible somewhat mentioned Abigail’s past -- She watched both her parent die in front of her. She told the other girls: “I saw Indians smash my dear parents' head on the pillow next to mine.” This scar from childhood is probably the reason that caused Abigail’s twisted heart. However, I think what she did in Salem has no difference than those who killed her parents -- lack of humanity, cold- blooded, and