What Are The Causes Of Nat Turner's Rebellion

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Pages: 3

The Northeast wanted a high tariff to protect its factory products from competition with foreign goods. The South, with only a few factories, had to buy most of its manufactured goods; consequently, the people of the South opposed any tariff that increased the cost of these goods. The West needed more settlers and therefore, favored cheap land prices. Factory owners were afraid that cheap land would lure workers from their factories to the West; therefore, the Northeast was opposed to cheap land. Westerners needed roads and canals to get their produce to markets in the East and wanted the national government to help pay for these internal improvements. Southerners, with a splendid river transportation system, needed no roadways. Fearing that the government might increase the tariff rate to finance …show more content…
In Richmond, the governor, warned of the plot, called six hundred troops to quell the insurrection. Many slaves, including Prosser, were captured and hanged.Denmark Vesey Conspiracy. Denmark Vesey, a carpenter living in Charleston, South Carolina, had purchased his freedom in 1800. He carefully developed his plans for revolt over several years. Before he could call his colleagues of liberation together, municipal officials, informed by slaves, began to arrest suspects. Denmark Vesey and thirty-nine others were executed for conspiring to revolt.Nat Turner's Revolt. The most shocking and frightening revolt to the South was the Nat Turner revolt. Nat Turner, a plowman on a Virginia plantation, crept across the countryside with about seventy slaves on the night of August 21, 1831, slaying sixty white people before being restrained by state and Federal troops. In the battle between the insurrectionists and the troops, more than one hundred persons were killed. Later, thirteen slaves, three freedmen, and Nat Turner were all executed for participating in the