What Are The Similarities Between Holden Caulfield And Mercutio

Words: 389
Pages: 2

In this quote, Holden is explaining to two nuns that he met on the way to seeing his friend Sally at the movie theater. They chat and eat breakfast until one of the nuns asks him what books he’s read. When Holden mentions Romeo and Juliet, the nun is excited to see what he thinks of the play. Holden then starts to talk about how his favorite character is Mercutio for a few unusual reasons. He describes the character as smart and entertaining, and how he doesn’t really like the rest of the characters. From the quote one can see the connection Holden may have with Mercutio. They are both smart and entertaining, in Holden’s opinion, and are both pariahs. They don’t belong to a single side, but instead are just there. They both have complex personalities