What Are The Stereotypes In The Big Lebowski

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In the Big Lebowski, a film directed by Joel and Ethan Coen in 1998, the main character Jeffrey Lebowski, or also known as the Dude, is a man in his mid-40s whose life seems to be calm and without any drama. He lives in a small apartment in Venice beach, a district of Los Angeles, California, owns a lousy car, is unemployed and unmarried, and he does not care about these facts. The Dude enjoys his free time at the Bowling center with his friends the veteran Walter and the sidekick Donnie who are as different as day and night, and he likes to drink White Russians or smoke marijuana. The Dudes characteristic traits can be described as an easy-going, pacifist and old hippie that is pride of his lifestyle. The mainstream audience does not seem to be keen on the Dude’s ambitionless life. Although, the film did not earn a lot of money at the box offices, it could make up its success with DVD sales and rentals, and because of its devoted fans that marked the Big Lebowski with a cult status. …show more content…
However, it does also put Los Angeles as a city into the center of the plot by highlighting the gap between poor and rich, and the exclusion of minorities in the classic narratives in Hollywood films. Furthermore, the film puts the viewer into an uncomforting position by illustrating how we, as a viewer, like to believe positive stereotypes in classic Hollywood productions, but are not able to differentiate between illusion and