What Are The Strengths And Weaknesses Of The Victim Of Trafficking And Violence Protection Act

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Pages: 3

Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (TVPA) has many strengths that should make it available in all counties. The TVPA helps us do so with important new tools that stands for the proposition that ignorance is not an excuse. The strip club owner who looks the other way as so-called talent agents enslave women: that’s not a bystander; that’s an accomplice. The landlord who turns a blind eye and collects rent from "massage parlors" where foreign women are held for forced prostitution: that’s not rent; that’s complicity. So too for the grower who is comfortable with farm labor contractors using force and threats to harvest the crops as long as they get picked on time. To those who have turned a willfully blind eye to the exploitation in front of them, the updated law puts down a marker: whether you partake or profit, you're accountable. Period. …show more content…
Firstly, No country, including the United States, has attained a sophisticated or truly comprehensive response to this massive, ever-increasing, ever-changing crime. Ten years of focused efforts is the mere infancy of a movement. Every country is still learning what trafficking is and what works in response to it. More must be done by the international community to fulfill the promise of the Palermo Protocol, as the vast majority of people enslaved today around the world have yet to see any progress. This demonstrates that Victims of Trafficking and Violence Protection Act (TVPA) cannot protect the youth who are suffering and may not be resuced, adding to the rates of abuse in American