What Caused The American Revolution Dbq Analysis

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What Caused the American Revolution DBQ
The American Revolution was a political battle between the American colonies and Great Britain from 1765-1783.It had began with the Stamp Act of 1765, and then the Declaratory Act of 1766 the following year. A few more major events include the Townshend Acts of 1767, the Boston Massacre, and the Boston Tea Party in 1773. In response to the Boston Tea Party had come the Intolerable Acts in 1774. Those acts include the Boston Port Act, the Administration of Justice Act, Massachusetts Government Act, Quartering Act, and the Quebec Act. The American Revolution took place because of the thirteen colonies not having a representation in Parliament.
The first reason why America did not have any representation
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One of the reasons why they didn't have any representation in parliament was because of the acts put in place by the British government. One of the acts, the Stamp Act of 1765. Colonists thought the Stamp Act was unconstitutional since they had no say in it. Another reason why they didn't have any representation in Parliament was because of the battles that resulted from the acts being put in place. One of those battles included the famous Boston Massacre. According to the statement mentioned by Dickinson in Document 3, he thought it was unconstitutional for parliament to tax the colonists saying it was “destructive the the liberty these colonies”, therefore that was probably what caused the colonists to fight the British. The final reason why did not have any representation in Parliament was because of the taxes, especially the tax on tea. According to the resolutions of the First Continental Congress in Document 5, the Intolerable Acts brought the colonists to the brink of war with Britain in 1774 “stopping the port and blocking the harbor of Boston”. The American Revolution was an important time in our history and what caused made it one of the most enjoyable topics in history I have