What Caused The Civil War Dbq Analysis

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Pages: 3

What caused the Civil War?

When the Confederates attacked Union soldiers at Fort Sumter, the Civil War began at South Carolina on April 12th, 1861.The Civil War was fought in many different places, from New Mexico, to the Florida coast, from Texas to Southern Pennsylvania. The Three main causes of the Civil War was the economical dispute on ending slavery and the effect it would have on North’s industry and the South’s Farming, the overall social effect of making slavery illegal in the US, and the political disagreements about slavery becoming illegal that lead somes states to secession.

One of the South's biggest problems was slavery. The south relied on slaves for all their labor needed in the fields. The North disapproved of
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All the Southern states felt that they had the right to leave. It first started with South Carolina when John Calhoun speaks “...a state as a party to the constitutional compact, has the right to secede…”. The Confederate States of America when eleven states left the U.S. Abraham Lincoln claimed that they did not have the right to leave when he says, “it is safe to assert that no government proper ever had a provision in its organic law for its own termination.’’, (in document F). Lincoln then sends out troops to cessate the South’s movement. That is when the Civil War begins.

The Three main causes of the Civil War was the economical dispute on ending slavery and the effect it would have on North’s industry and the South’s Farming, the overall social effect of making slavery illegal in the US, and the political disagreements about slavery becoming illegal that lead somes states to secession. Both the North, and the South’s way of life were complete opposites, they were bound to clash. The Civil War defines us as a nation today. The consequences the Civil War had, shaped our nation to what it is to this