What Does Baldwin's Nigger Mean

Words: 543
Pages: 3

Baldwin’s Nigger is a documentary of a lecture given by a renowned American author and political critic James Baldwin, the lecture also features humourist and author Dick Gregory. The documentary was shot in 1969, at the peak of racial awareness and consciousness throughout the globe. The director, Horace Ove, presented a channel of communication between black people as if no white people were present in the audience. This effect allowed the speaker and audience a chance to discuss, deal and communicate issues without the use of censorship. James Baldwin makes a connection with the primarily African-Caribbean audience, discussing the different African cultures throughout the world and the attitudes attached to them.
Both Dick Gregory and James Baldwin discuss and give responses that were applicable to the time of the lecture as well as in today’s modern society. This allows one to link it to racial consciousness today. In his discussion with the audience, Baldwin rejects the philosophies of race and colour as he says that everyone is contaminated and offended by racism, that it is an attitude that many possess. Baldwin goes on to say that white liberals
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Personally, I would recommend this documentary to a friend as it provides useful insight on racial consciousness and the different attitudes that one encompasses as a result of racism and racial consciousness. The documentary is useful in today’s political climate as it reminds one not to let the attitudes of others influence your outlook and attitude. Baldwin also discusses the different cultures and the opinions that many have on other cultures which also serves as a reminder in today’s society to not let an attitude effect your opinion or view of a culture different to your