What Does It Mean To Be An American Essay

Words: 727
Pages: 3

Millions of immigrants travel to America every year. Consider all the immigrants who travel to this country and attempt to integrate into society. Many immigrants travel to America for several reasons such as a want to obtain money, jobs, freedom, or more opportunities and rights. Despite, many immigrants having different reasons for traveling to America and the difference in the amount of effort they put forward in the pursuit to accomplish their goals many immigrants struggle with defining themselves “an American”. Many people define being “an American” as a person who lives in America, but it is not, it means possessing characteristics to be considered “an American”. To be “an American” a person should be brave, persistent to achieve their goals in life, and possess a desire for unity.
A person should have bravery as a characteristic in order to be able to reach towards their goals in
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. Unity is the state of being united or joined as a whole. Today’s society is separated and most of the people in the society live as though their actions does not affect others, being solely concerned about themselves. Almost everyone is living only to accomplish their personal goals in life. Thus, the society we live in would become weaker as a whole because individuals in the society function separately. For example, an ant colony works together in order to secure their survive, but if a few ants in that ant colony were to diverge from their routine of collecting food and living with the other ants then a substantial number of ants would die because the colony were not able to collect enough food to last through the rainy season. If the few ants that diverged from the path had stayed and collected food with the colony the most likely result would be that every ant survived the rainy season. This shows that things are easier working with others and more beneficial for the