What Does Money Mean To Me Research Paper

Words: 260
Pages: 2

Money: What does it mean to you?
Name: Rayan Patel Date: 10/27/17 Period: 9

Picture this - A young teenager who is starting out her life with her 3 year old son and is living in detroit. She is making barely enough to help support her and her son. By using food stamps to get bye and usually having to write a check for gas just before her next paycheck. Living with a low income working hours and hours just to work even more.
For some that is life and to those it can be because of minimum wage.
What has it brung into our country, what is making our people, why does it have to be like this, some may ask? The average minimum wage in our country is $7.20 and suppose that same person works 40 hours a week for 52 weeks a year, and how much