What Does Mrs. Murdock Say About The Brasher Doubloon

Words: 445
Pages: 2

Reading Journal 4

After many chapters without reading about the Brasher Doubloon, it is finally mentioned again in the last chapters of our reading. It is still very confusing on how Mrs. Murdock claims to have the doubloon, but Marlowe has one as well. The reader knows Marlowe has a doubloon because we are getting this story through Marlowe’s perspective. It is still unclear whether or not Mrs. Murdock actually has her doubloon back because the reader can only go by her word, which hasn’t been very truthful in the past. This story wouldn’t have occurred if it wasn’t for the doubloon being taken, and by the end of the book, the doubloon isn’t the readers main concern anymore. Knowing he has another coin, Marlowe tells Mrs. Murdock, “This