What Does The Color Green Symbolize In The Great Gatsby

Words: 501
Pages: 3

Throughout many decades’ artists, actors, writers, poets and many others have used colors to express themselves in their work. The writer of The Great Gatsby, F. Scott Fitzgerald used colors to create a sense of imagery for the reader. Fitzgerald uses colors to highlight certain aspects for the readers, such as the relationship between Gatsby and Daisy. One of the first colors described in the novel was white. The women (Jordan and Daisy) both were wearing white dresses, and drove white cars, when Nick was first introduced. White as we know it is a symbol of perfection, goodness, and purity. Maybe Fitzgerald wanted the reader to assume the two where insistent ladies who done no wrong from the beginning. White is also the color of old money. “Dressed up in white flannels I went over a little after seven.” (pg. 41) Nick wanted to make a good first impression on his super rich neighbor. He thought with white being a sign of wealth, he would make a good impression representing the upper class. Fitzgerald also uses the color green many times in the novel. When one hears green the first thing that comes to mind may be money. Wealth is all part of the American dream in which …show more content…
Gray is a dark neutral color. Gray is used when the novel explains the valley of ashes. The valley of ashes is not like west or east egg, more of the pour live here. Fitzgerald creates a since of imagery here for the reader explaining the dark gloomy town. The man Myrtle buys a puppy from is described as a “gray old man.” Meaning that this older man didn’t seem wealthy Without colors the world today as we know it would be boring and lifeless. Color plays an important part in our daily lives as well as in The Great Gatsby. Fitzgerald done a wonderful job incorporating different colors throughout the novel. Without the color imagery, we would not see the beauty of the trails Gatsby went through to try and win Daisy