What Does The Mask Symbolize In Lord Of The Flies

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Pages: 2

A major mask found in the book is the fearful children turn into savages. The boys put on “dazzle paint” which is symbolism for a mask. They believe to go hunt a pig they need to put on a mask which turns them into savages. The boys feel like if they are all the same nobody will be judged and everyone will be happy. Simon and Piggy are both different from the group of hunters and they end up getting killed. Ralph would have been killed if it wasn’t for the soldier. The mask that Jack and the boys choose to wear represent the mask some people wear in society today. People will wear mask to lift insecurities off from their minds. However, some people's mask can hurt others. The mask that people wear can sometimes make others who do not wear a mask feel bad about themselves for being their …show more content…
However, people should never feel bad for being who they are. The island is nothing but chaos when the boys decide to put on mask. The boys are separated into two groups. One of the groups is the boys who are themselves, and the other group is all the boys who are the same. The masks allows the boys to fit in their group The boy’s shame and fear is lifted from their shoulders because they are all the same. For the most part I am a beyond blessed and happy girl. However, there are some days I have to put on a mask to cover