What Dreams May Come Hero's Journey

Words: 1164
Pages: 5

The following comparative essay will examine and contrast a contemporary text that features a narrative in the form of a heroic journey. The analysis will specifically attempt to contrast a modern day text and how it exhibits elements from classical mythology and model for a heroic quest. The contemporary text chosen is a fantasy drama from 1998, What Dreams May Come, featuring Robin Williams as Chris Nielsen, a pediatrician who undergoes a journey to attempt to save his wife. The plot portrays Chris as a protagonist who is put in extreme situations, and must prove his courage by performing the seemingly impossible as he ventures into the depths of hell. The film portrays and adopts multiple themes from classical mythology, most notably; a heroic quest fulfilled by a katabatic hero, that is accompanied by a companion or helper maiden, who …show more content…
In reference to the classical hero’s journey (Carey, 2016), Chris takes the form of a katabasis hero who starts in a ordinary world, and is called to action when his wife commits suicide. He is met by his helper maiden, Albert, who guides him along his quest across the threshold into the underworld known as katabasis, where he discovers more about himself along the journey. Chris’ sacrifice is his approach or solution to being with his wife forever. It’s his sacrifice which ultimately leads to his Apotheosis or ascendance into Heaven as a reward. Finally, their reincarnation reflects their return to earth or rebirth. The film conclusively follows the model of a heroic quest and shares similarities to classical mythology themes and literature. After a thorough analysis, I believe the heroic quest feature fundamentally serves as a method to expand our consciousness. It reflects a story to be told and a message that must be taken to heart to acknowledge our own