What Is Considered American Food Essay

Words: 802
Pages: 4

What is considered American food? There are lots of foods out

there that are considered “American” food. But those foods are not just

in America, they are around the world, they just have different names.

The foods that come to my mind when I think of “American” food are

macaroni and cheese, pizza, hot dogs, and french fries. What really

makes it classified as American food? It is just because it looks a certain

way in America and not somewhere else?

Take french fries for example. Almost everybody in America think

and believe that french fries had to originate in France because it's in the

name if the food right? While it's not. In any event, historical accounts

indicate that the Belgians were possibly frying up thin
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How they supposedly came up with the idea was

that, in this area, it was very common for the people to fry up small fish

as a staple for their meals. However, when the rivers froze up thick

enough, it would be pretty difficult to get fish. So instead of frying up fish

in these times, they would cut up potatoes in long thin slices, and fry

them up as they did the fish.

Another food people love but know little to nothing about is

macaroni and cheese. American macaroni and cheese have two main

lines of ancestry claimed. In the first, it is thought that macaroni and

cheese was a casserole that had its beginnings at a New England

church supper. In southeastern Connecticut, it was known long ago as

macaroni pudding. In the second, and more famous story, and more

than likely the original story, it is said that the classic American macaroni

and cheese returned with Thomas Jefferson to Virginia after his sojourn

in Italy. Jefferson had brought back a pasta machine from Italy. His

daughter Mary Randolph became the hostess of his house after

Jefferson’s wife died and she is credited with inventing the dish using

macaroni and Parmesan cheese. Later, the Parmesan was replaced