What Is Hitchhiker's Guide To The Galaxy Essay

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Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy was written in 1979 by Douglas Adams. The genre of the book is comedy science fiction. The book is based off a radio series from 1978 also called Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy, and also written by Douglas Adams. The book has been adapted into many different things such as a movie and television show. Since then, the book has become not only the favorite science fiction book of many, but the favorite book of many as well. The main argument being made in this book is that things happen for no particular reason. Douglas Adams corroborates this argument many different times throughout the book. One way he makes this argument comes from the ninth chapter. Ford and Arthur are thrown out of the Vogon ship, and they are caught by Zaphod Beeblebrox in the Heart of Gold. The computer on the ship then tells us how improbable it is that something like this could happen considering how big space is. Regardless of these statistics, it still happened. Ford and Arthur were still caught by Zaphod. They were caught despite the statistics being against them, and there was seemingly no reason for it happening. Another way Adams makes this argument is when Arthur and …show more content…
He then asks Slartibartfast if anything is going on to which Slartibartfast replies, “Who cares?” Slartibartfast was not in any way being dismissive here, he genuinely doesn’t think it matters whether or not something big is going on in the universe. This helps to strengthen Adams’ argument because it tells us that if we shouldn’t care about what goes on then there is no real reason for what is going on or at least that we don’t need to know the reason. Some people may try to argue that the real argument in the Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy is that we shouldn’t be concerned with things larger than ourselves, but this argument is