What Is John Smith's Reaction With The Powhatan Tribe

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Pages: 2

In chapter 2 of The True Story of Pocahontas, Dr. Linwood “Little Bear” Custalow and Angela L. Daniel “Silver Star” go in depth about John Smith and his first reactions with the Powhatan tribe. First, they explain Smith’s first interactions with the Powhatan tribe. The Powhatans originally got along well with the English, but by the time Smith had come, they had begun to fear the English because of their guns and weapons. Because of this, he was taken captive, shown to various tribes, and eventually taken to Wanunsenaca, Pocahontas’ dad. Next, we see how John Smith and Wanunsenaca actually get along. Neither the English nor the Powhatans liked the Spanish, so they formed sort of an alliance. Wanunsenaca even gave John Smith and his people better