What Is Texting And Driving Part Of Distracted Driving

Words: 393
Pages: 2

Bam! You are driving and you see the car a couple of cars away smash into another car… Have you ever thought why most people get into car wrecks. The National Safety Council reports that cell phone use while driving leads to 1.6 million crashes each year. Nearly 330,000 injuries are caused from people texting and driving. Even 1 out of 4 wrecks in the United States are caused by texting and driving. Texting and driving is part of distracted driving and it is such a horrible thing.
Many people think that since they are an “experienced” drivers they think it’s okay to text and drive. THIS IS NOT OKAY! IT IS NEVER
OKAY TO TEXT AND DRIVE! If you need to send something to someone pull over to the side of the road. Do not put someone else’s life