What Is The Difference Between Beowulf And Achilles

Words: 153
Pages: 1

Beowulf and Achilles are two heroes with different values. Beowulf will never accept his fate. He will always try to change it. Achilles accepts his fate and doesn’t try to change it.

Beowulf and Achilles have some similar values despite how different they are. Bravery is a value they both share. It doesn't matter how strong their opponent is they will face him in battle. They are also both cunning in battle. They can out wit any enemy they face in battle.

When it comes to battle Beowulf will sacrifice as many men as he needs to win a fight. Achilles will try to win a fight with as little casualties as possible. This Value makes them significantly different. Achilles doesn’t see his men as tools to use in a fight as Beowulf does.