What Is The Ending Of The Banquet Of Pluto On Mars

Words: 556
Pages: 3

One day, the man on Mars decided to host a banquet. All of the planet people were invited, but one was missing. His name was Pluto. When the time came for the banquet to start, Pluto had no idea of the gathering of the planets. He was reading his book all alone, when he heard the loud commotion nearby, on Mars. Emerging out of his cave, he saw that not far away, on Mars, all of the people from each planet were eating, chatting, and laughing together, without poor Pluto. “Why was I not invited? I should be there too!” the man of Pluto screeched, yet nobody could hear his hushed shouts. ‘Well, if they’re not going to include me, then I might as well tell them who they forgot.’ Pluto thought to himself. For hours and hours the man of Pluto thought