What Is The Loss Of Innocence In To Kill A Mockingbird

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Pages: 2

To Kill A Mockingbird written by Harper Lee is about a girl named Scout losing her innocence and how she got past her challenges or obstacles. Scout is a little girl that is extremely intelligent for her age at 5 years old. She lives in Maycomb, AL with her family, which is Atticus, Jem, and her. She was having many problems in the story at the time such as her teacher not wanting her to learn because of her intelligence for her age, the kids not liking her cause she is a little wealthier than them, and racism. The main idea of To Kill A Mockingbird is of Scout losing her innocence and overcoming her challenges and her obstacles at such a young age.

A detail showing how Scout is losing her innocence is by going to the courthouse her dad forbids to go to the courthouse because of the case he is working and involved in and she finds out it’s a rape charge while she’s only 5-7 years old. Nobody should know and hear about rape at the young age. In the trial that Bob Ewell is testifying in, Tom Robinson is accused of tormenting and violating his daughter.

Another detail that shows she is losing her innocence is because of the inequality or discrimination of the time period present in her
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She’s surrounded by racism, she’s surrounded by a teacher that doesn’t want her to succeed, kids that don’t like her, and racism. “I’d rather see you shoot tin cans in the backyard, but I know you’ll go after birds… , but remember it’s a sin to kill a mockingbird” (Lee, 69). What Atticus means by this is that it is a sin to kill something that doesn’t have a voice, at the time being black people didn’t have a voice against the discrimination towards them and that is where Scout found her call to take action. This made her realize and decide to stand up for what’s right, which was to help give the blacks a voice. She got past all the obstacles and did what was