What Is The Purpose Of The Following Statement For Vegetarianism And Health Essay

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Pages: 4

Vegetarianism and health
Jasdeep kaur
NorQuest College
ENG 2550 Sec A05
Rebecca Hardie
Assignment 2: Essay outline
November 3, 2015

Vegetarianism and Health
Introductory statement: Most people prefer a non- vegetarian diet in their daily life. However, adopting a vegetarian diet is an appropriate choice to live a healthy life.
Thesis: Vegetarianism should be encouraged because it helps in reducing an acquired disease in humans by improving glycemic control, motor performance and it reduces cancer risk.
Summary of main ideas:
• A vegetarian diet can be effective in cancer prevention.
• Consumption of plant based diet protects an individual against Parkinson’s
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Consuming fruits and vegetables in a daily diet protects a human against Parkinson disease. Adopting vegetarianism can be a good choice for the prevention of cancer.
Concluding Statement: Although non- vegetarian diet is more favourable among Canadians, it can have negative effects on a person’s health in the long term. Thus, vegetarianism should be considered a better option to live a healthy life.


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