What Is The Quilt Of A Country By Anna Quindlen

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Pages: 3

Columbus High School and diversity in America have one thing in common; we come together like a quilt. In “Quilt of a Country”, Anna Quindlen compares America to a quilt because of all the different cultures coming together. The students of Columbus High also make a quilt. In her essay, Quindlen shows Americans can put aside their differences to reach one common goal just like Columbus High students do. Columbus students overcome their differences through football, school spirit, and academic achievement. At Columbus High, if there is one thing we know how to do well, it is watch football. We are known for having the best student section to help motivate our players to destroy the other team. At football games, we all band together without thought of others racial, political, social, or economic backgrounds. We are one Columbus High School, and we are unstoppable if we are together. In the essay, Quindlen states that there is that “Calvinist undercurrent in the American psyche that loves the difficult, the demanding… mastering the impossible… as a test of character,” (6). This shows that we love what we do so much that we are willing to put down the things that separate us and put the ones that unite us into the spotlight. No matter where we come from, once the Friday …show more content…
We work hard and we play even harder through spirit days and pep rallies. There is no fun in being “on the edge” all the time due to stress from our rigorous classes. In the text, Quindlen questions “What is the point of a nation in which one part seems to always be on the verge of fisticuffs with another…?” (4). This statement interrogates the purpose of an organization if there is never any good times, only hate and resentment. We allow ourselves to let loose on these days of fun as one united Columbus High, not as freshman or seniors, or as white or black because we know that we deserve