What Is The Significance Of Jon Krakauer's Suicide In Into Thin Air

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Pages: 2

How would it feel to have other people’s lives depending on you? This was the reality for the people who climbed Mount Everest, when things started taking a turn for the worse. In Jon Krakauer’s novel “Into Thin Air”, the journey on Mount Everest takes a dramatic turn for the worse once the team starts descending. This plays a key role in who is responsible for the deaths along the journey. The people on the journey and the Nepal government are the ones mostly responsible for the deaths. Their actions affected everyone on the journey of climbing Mount Everest. Everyone in the group could have been more willing to help others and the Nepal government should not have let just anyone climb the mountain for money.
First, the group should have been more willing to help and ultimately save others on the
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Jon Krakauer believes that many of the deaths that occurred were his fault. Krakauer states, “The plain truth is that I knew better but went to Everest anyway. And in doing so I was a party to the death of good people, which is something that is apt to remain on my conscience for a very long time” (pg.18). Krakauer was one of the survivors of the descending of Mount Everest, which is why he feels guilt for the deaths. Even though it is not necessarily his fault for all of the deaths, he could have been more helpful with making sure everyone was trying their best to stay safe. Although, it is not only Krakauer’s fault. The guides could have also prevented the way things played out. Rob Hall was one of the guides on the summit. Hall states, “He has one of the worst cases of pulmonary edema I’ve ever seen. They