What Is The Symbols Of Times New Roman?

Submitted By cdavis1984
Words: 934
Pages: 4

rtf1ansiansicpg1252deff0 fonttbl f0fromanfcharset0fprq2fttruetype Times New Roman f1fswissfcharset0fprq2fttruetype Arial f2fswissfcharset0fprq2ftnil Dingbats f3fromanfcharset0fprq2fttruetype Symbol f4fmodernfcharset0fprq1fttruetype Courier New colortbl red0green0blue0 red255green255blue255 stylesheet s1fi-431li720sbasedon29snext29Contents 1 s2fi-431li1440sbasedon29snext29Contents 2 s3fi-431li2160sbasedon29snext29Contents 3 s8fi-431li720sbasedon29Lower Roman List s5tx431sbasedon25snext29Numbered Heading 1 s6tx431sbasedon26snext29Numbered Heading 2 s7fi-431li720Square List cs11sbasedon29Endnote Text s4fi-431li2880sbasedon29snext29Contents 4 s9fi-431li720Diamond List s10fi-431li720Numbered List cs12fs20superEndnote Reference s13fi-431li720Triangle List s14tx431sbasedon27snext29Numbered Heading 3 s15fi-431li720Dashed List s16fi-431li720sbasedon10Upper Roman List s17sb440sa60f1fs24bsbasedon29snext29Heading 4 s18fi-431li720Heart List s35fi-431li720Box List cs20fs20Reference s21fi-431li720sbasedon10Upper Case List s22fi-431li720Bullet List s23fi-431li720Hand List cs24fs20sbasedon29Footnote Text s25sb440sa60f1fs34bsbasedon29snext29Heading 1 s26sb440sa60f1fs28bsbasedon29snext29Heading 2 s19qcsb240sa120f1fs32bsbasedon29snext29Contents Header s28fi-431li720Tick List s27sb440sa60f1fs24bsbasedon29snext29Heading 3 s30fi-431li720sbasedon10Lower Case List s31li1440ri1440sa120sbasedon29Block Text s37f4sbasedon29Plain Text s33tx1584sbasedon5snext29Section Heading s34fi-431li720Implies List s29f0fs24Normal s36fi-431li720Star List cs32fs20superFootnote Reference s38tx1584sbasedon5snext29Chapter Heading kerning0cf0ftnbjfet2ftnstart1ftnnaraftnnarftnstart1aftnstart1aenddocrevprop3infouc1deftab720viewkind1paperw12240paperh15840margl1440margr1440widowctrl sectdsbknonecolsx360pgncontltrsect pardplainltrparqls29sl480slmult1itap0s29f0fs24lang1033listtag0abinodiroverrideltrch Curtis Daviss29f0fs24lang1033listtag0par pardplainltrparqls29sl480slmult1itap0s29f0fs24lang1033listtag0abinodiroverrideltrch Professor Akins29f0fs24lang1033listtag0par pardplainltrparqls29sl480slmult1itap0s29f0fs24lang1033listtag0abinodiroverrideltrch ENGL 1010-126s29f0fs24lang1033listtag0par pardplainltrparqls29sl480slmult1itap0s29f0fs24lang1033listtag0abinodiroverrideltrch 10 Oct 2014s29f0fs24lang1033listtag0par pardplainltrparqls29sl480slmult1itap0s29f0fs24lang1033listtag0abinodiroverrideltrch tab I chose to do uc1u822093you as an expert,uc1u822194 when I chose my assignment, and I am writing about my job as a freight conductor for CSXT Railway. My job is very important to the company as I am solely responsible for making sure the customers on my shift are serviced in a timely and efficient manner. My job duties include, making up a train by moving cars from track to track, giving directions to the engineer of when to go forward or backward when coupling cars, reading the signs and lights of the railway to let my engineer know what to do and how fast to go. My job is very important and if done correctly can decrease accidents or speed infractions, which could cost the company a lot of money. s29f0fs24lang1033listtag0par pardplainltrparqls29sl480slmult1itap0s29f0fs24lang1033listtag0abinodiroverrideltrch tab The one thing that is most important in my job is communication both verbally and written. Without them, I would not be able to do my job at all. My day starts when I arrive at work and clock in and am immediately I am given a paper with my job details called a track list which tells me what cars are on what track and to where they have to go and in what order. I then have to grab all my paperwork from the numerous boxes that line the wall. The daily activity log is a document where we have to write down our every move after ituc1u821792s been done. From where we received cars from and moved them to as well as every break weuc1u821792ve taken and when we got to go to lunch. It may seem a little extreme to some but the