What Is The Theme Of Carelessness In The Great Gatsby

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Role of Carelessness The word carless is defined as failure to give sufficient attention to avoiding harm or errors. In Scott Fitzgerald’s novel The Great Gatsby the theme of Carelessness is seen throughout the book. Carelessness came with the territory in the 1920’s the stock market was booming and rich just kept getting richer. Money was coming from many different places for a lot of people witch gave them the ability to forget about real life. Carelessness plays a pivotal roll not only in Tom and Daisy lives but also in the lives Nick Jordan and Myrtle’s too. A lot of times with carelessness can come childishness witch one character in particularly could be defined as. Carelessness plays a pivotal role in this novel because of the time …show more content…
He saw all those around him including the girlfriend Jordan as carless. Nick comes off as very hypocritical because of the part he plays in two different affairs of family members. He did see a problem with the relationship between Tom and Myrtle but still speak up about it to Daisy. Nicks carelessness is also reviled during the little get together Tom has in the city with Myrtle. He ends up blacking out and saying one of the most talked about lines in the entire book “. . . I was standing beside his bed and he was sitting up between the sheets, clad in his underwear, with a great portfolio in his hands.” The line reviles how carless Nick was that night he just wanted to forget about Tom and Myrtle so he just very drunk and did some questionable things.
The theme of carelessness is seen throughout The Great Gatsby. Every main character is not free from being labeled carless. Carelessness come with the times of the 1920’s if you had money you could pretty much do whatever you wanted to do you did not have to have a care in world. These people lived there lives like children with a lot of money witch is how childishness can be tied into the