What Is The Theme Of Pan's Labyrinth

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At the time of a bloody civil war, a young girl named Ofelia enters an unimaginable place full of cruelty and misguidance when her and her pregnant mother move in with her new and harsh stepfather. With her imagination as her own weapon, Ofelia encounters a labyrinth and discovers a faun in between the walls of the magical place. The faun sets her on a journey to help herself and her pregnant mother. Eventually, the lines between fantasy and reality begin to blur, and before Ofelia can turn back, she finds herself at the center of a ferocious battle between good and evil. Like any great myth, Pan’s Labyrinth places its messages through the displays of magic. And like any fairy tale, it also contains the story with threads of death and loss. …show more content…
The ending is an incredible mix of sorrow, joy, triumph, and revenge. del Toro has been working toward this moment of cinematic synthesis, where art, pop, and political passion are mixed with his own unique, childlike access to the visual language of unfettered imagination. His movie is that original, and that attuned to the power of myth. The movie is a breathtaking visual creation, with a feat of hypnotism from cinematographer Guillermo Navarro, who even gives the fairies and frogs their own shimmering dignity. For this movie is rated R, for some graphics, and blood-spattering violence, Pan’s Labyrinth may not be the type of story for young viewers. So long as one day they’re granted admission to enter del Toro’s magic kingdom, where adults can grasp at a filmmaker’s