What Is Thomas Jefferson's Response To The Declaration Of Independence

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Pages: 2

In the 1770’s, England was heavily in debt from the French and Indian war. Their solution was to unjustly tax and regulate the colonies. The colonies had no form of voice in parliament and were fully subject to king George’s will. In 1776, feed up with the kings many injustices, the second Continental Congress, composed of political leaders from all thirteen colonies, met and decided to separate themselves from England. They nominated Thomas Jefferson to be the representative for themselves, and all of the thirteen colonies. On July fourth, all fifty-six members signed the Declaration of Independence, America’s final goodbye to the king, declaring the establishment of a new united country, separate from the tyrannical rule of England and King George III. This document became the foundation of America and the influence for James Madison’s Constitution and the new …show more content…
This was a list of accusations against the king of England and his unjust and tyrannical actions. The colonies had experienced firsthand what the effects of a broken and overpowered central government system, and therefor took every precaution to ensure no such governmental leader could occur in their new government. Instead of one central leader power lay in the hands of the people, allowing them to vote on representatives, who therefor vote on other important issues concerning their state, or country, while upholding the opinions of the place they have been elected to represent. To ensure no one leader had an over balance of power, the new government established in the constitution, was divided into three parts, judicial, legislative, and executive, each with their own system of power checks and balances to equal out the other parts.
The declaration of independence established, ideas and standards of government that were taken and embellished upon, in the US constitution creating the modern day United States of