Essay on What might future anthropologists

Submitted By Veselka-Kostadinov
Words: 803
Pages: 4

"What might future anthropologists...conclude about our world if [reality] programs constituted their primary source of information?

First people who proposed that Earth is spherical are Pythagoras and Aristotle. Later on measurements were made from Aristarchus and Eratosthenes. These great people gave us the knowledge that planet Earth is not flat, but round. Similarly, anthropologists give us information about humanity and their culture. Those who are dealing with medical, psychological, and political anthropology may conclude about our world, if their main source of information is the current reality programs, that people were more focused on physical appearance, in order to cheat each others, under the control of “big brother”.
In the Bible is said: “Do not collect for yourselves treasures on earth, where moth and rust destroy and where thieves break in and steal.” If the rule was followed, there would be people with less plastic surgery on the bodies as it is today, because our physical appearance is only permanent and it will not come with us after death. Some reality television shows are focused just on people’s images. For example, Extreme makeover depicts ordinary men and women involving plastic surgery, hairdressing and wardrobing. In American’s next top model contestants are judged weekly on their overall appearance and in Face off - a group of prosthetic makeup artists compete against each other to create prostheses, such as those found in science fiction and horror films. These examples emphasize human vision, where artificial beauty is more valuable than the natural. People from humans are transformed in plastic robots. As a result, the transformation can be used as a clue from the future anthropologists to conclude that the target of humanity is the outlook.
According to Peggy Vaughan, author of The monogamy myth, most experts consider the “educated guess” that at the present time some 50 to 65 percent of husbands and 45 to 55 percent of wives have extramarital involvement. In the light of this statement, we can see the percentage of the unfaithful spouses is more than 50 percent. This, on the other hand, is well inspired by a show like Cheaters. The idea is to depict people who cheat on their partners and to show that if you do it, you will be caught. But deeply in our subconscious, the particle “do not” does not exist. It is replaced by “do”. Therefore, the concept of the show is different than what it looks. And Temptation Island comes to support the theory that we do exactly what must not. In this reality show, unmarried couples travel to an exotic location to test their relationship. When couples arrive at the island, twenty six singles have been presented to them. When the whole story finishes they all get back together at bonfire, where they decide about the future of their relationships. In the example more interesting is that the contestants know they have partners. Regardless of the idea “do not cheat,” participants choose to do it. And later, some of them regret that they took that decision. Why? Because the subconscious mind just does the opposite, if in the task there is negation. In the hope that the