What Non-Economic Arguments Does Ferry Offer In Favor Of Imperialism?

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Pages: 3

1. According to Ferry, what recent developments in world trade have made it urgent for France to have colonies?
As an imperialist, Jules Ferry believes his people are a superior race, and have a right over the “lower races”. He believed that is people should be exploring and conquering new nations. He states this right comes from the duty to civilize the “inferior races”. Ferry says that the Spanish soldiers who brought slavery in Central America were wrong, and did not complete their duties to bring civilization to the inferior races. Instead, the duty involves help by giving goods and money and sharing and honesty, and consequently is a means of improving the lives of the inferior races, instead of mistreating them. This supposed duty made colonization of the African countries seem like the noble thing to do. What was interesting was the
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What non-economic arguments does Ferry offer in favor of imperialism?
A portion of the non-financial contentions that Ferry displayed to support colonialism was the requirement for safe houses, places for supply for business sectors to offer France's products and ports for resistance and provisioning for vessels to have safe harbor. Ports were required in light of the fact that the war boats couldn't convey more than a two-week supply of coal, which was expected to keep the vessel moving so it would not be stranded adrift. By having more ports, the vessels could restock on provisions expected to make longer voyages. He asserted that countries were just awesome through the action they send; not spread peace all through their establishments.
"Spreading light without acting, without partaking in the issues of the world, keeping out of every European union and seeing as a trap, an enterprise, all venture into Africa or the Orient—for an incredible country to experience along these lines, trust me, is to abandon and, in less time than you may might suspect, to sink from the primary rank to the third and fourth."(Jules