What Role Did Poseidoon Play In Greek Mythology

Words: 246
Pages: 1

Poseidon, the god of the sea, earthquakes, storms, and horses, plays a prominent role in Greek mythology. Myths tell us that Rhea, the fertility goddess, gave birth to him and his father was Cronus, one of the Titans. The myth continues that Cronus was afraid of having a son who would overthrow him, so he swallowed all of his children. Along with his brothers, Zeus and Hades, Poseidon grew up inside of his father. One day Zeus tricked Cronus into to vomiting up his children and there was an enormous battle. The children won and divided the world among them, each ruling over a portion. As a result, Poseidon possesses extreme power second only to his brother, Zeus, who became the king of the gods. Clearly, Poseidon lives in many of the